Sunday, November 8, 2015

How do Roadlovers play? with a mobile phone, we reach out and learn what's behind a mural

Roadlovers are inquisitive.  We're curious.  We appreciate creativity. When we saw this billboard

appear on the side of a black wall (next to Fork and Balls restaurant) facing Fort Lauderdale's "best" street, we said, "Bravo for entertaining us."  So why not call the artist?

Shine your light
A short phone message or a text (look at the phone number... if it doesn't have 562, 563, 763, 762, 463 or 462, it's probably a mobile phone)...

Meet an artist for coffee
This is why a Roadlovers takes time to
(1) contact an artist
(2) say "THANK YOU FOR
and (3) buy a cup of coffee

This sign was found at Victorios Art Studio's FB page
There's probably some area of any workspace that can benefit from a small mural.  What does a mural do that a photograph can't match?  There's something in the "errors" of the artist's hand that make us appreciate the time taken to simulate reality.

Steve Voss ( made us laugh.  We've invited him to speak to a local school and we hope his inventive spirit will infect students in West Hollywood Private School.   Thanks for making Las Olas a bit more interesting.
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