Monday, October 28, 2019

"Hellistic" is a new word coined in Fort Lauderdale

YOu can help spread a new word.  Called a "neologism," some words can be "made up" and they might gain popularity.  You can be part of the effort to spread this new word.

See the website

See the Youtube Channel

See the Facebook page  

The word is defined 

The cat photo is just here to catch your attention.

You can get the t-shirt at  

Here's how the website defines "hellistic"

digging deeper, getting to the bottom and then knowing there is always deeper that you can go



Chinese Rather Buy American, Russians Can Stare but don't You Smile,  Chileans Expect Good Table Manners

Although the US has a huge trade deficit with China, American-made baby products are extremely popular because even the Chinese consider US products to be safer ( 2012 is the Year of the Dragon and considered a lucky year to be born; consequently many Chinese are trying to have babies this year (  When in Japan, never stick chopsticks upright in your rice; during funerals in Japan the rice bowl of the deceased is placed before their coffin with chopsticks upright.  Putting bread directly on the table and not on a plate is perfectly acceptable in France.  Table manners are more formal in Chile than in other cultures and food is always eaten with a knife and fork, even fries.  It can be disconcerting, but Russians consider it perfectly acceptable to stare at strangers. But don’t smile back or you will be thought to be either crazy or stupid (Russians rarely smile in public).

Chinese Buy American, Russians Stare, Chileans Eat Formally  08/12
Although the US has a huge trade deficit with China, American-made baby products are extremely popular because even the Chinese consider US products to be safer ( 2012 is the Year of the Dragon and considered a lucky year to be born; consequently many Chinese are trying to have babies this year (  When in Japan, never stick chopsticks upright in your rice; during funerals in Japan the rice bowl of the deceased is placed before their coffin with chopsticks upright.  Putting bread directly on the table and not on a plate is perfectly acceptable in France.  Table manners are more formal in Chile than in other cultures and food is always eaten with a knife and fork, even fries.  It can be disconcerting, but Russians consider it perfectly acceptable to stare at strangers. But don’t smile back or you will be thought to be either crazy or stupid (Russians rarely smile in public).