Friday, April 1, 2016

Photos from 1992 -- 500 years later -- San Salvador, the (perhaps) point of landfall for Columbus in 1492

Some photos from 1992

The video was grainy, but here are some screenshots.

There's a reenactment
down there

At the airport


The reenactment
at a beach on San Salvador

Richard was the "designated
consumer" and he found
a nice graphic
documentary in 1948

Here is a screenshot from a 1948 documentary...

To see clearer photos, look at San Salvador 2012 (a private video)

Friday, January 15, 2016

Where can you go nose-to-nose with sea cows?

Look at these sweet faces...

Go north of Tampa.

Where in the world can you get THIS CLOSE to a big cat?

Big Cat

Where in the world can you get THIS CLOSE to the eye of a puma, Florida panther or other big cat?

Where?  Flamingo Gardens